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Managed Public Cloud

Empower your business to grow with managed public cloud

With Sentia as your MSP you won’t compromise

Secure your company's future with Sentia's Managed Public Cloud solutions allowing you to optimize operational costs, scale at speed and source the latest cloud technology. With our cloud-agnostic approach, we will put your business first, so that you will achieve an infrastructure tailored to your needs.

Unique and assured cloud expertise

We are AWS Managed Service Providers and Azure MSP Experts, exclusive premiere statuses that have been validated through stringent third-party audits of our technical capabilities, business processes and client engagement.

Helicopter LZ

How we do cloud implementation better

Sentia’s landing zones approach provides your assurance through account and VPC structures, allowing for cost control, security and access management.

We’re cloud agnostic

We do not favor one cloud platform over another, which ensures that we put your business first so that you get the infrastructure that best fits your distinct needs.

Your path to the public cloud starts here
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