Transport & Logistics
Create added value using technology and set your business on rails
Deliver new customer experiences to stay ahead of the competition
Transportation and logistics are changing; massive rise in e-commerce and demand for door-to-door solutions has created chaotic conditions with bottle necks and stressed supply chains. The pressure is on to secure sustainability and end customers expect precision and flawless digital experiences 24/7. Success will follow those who can harness technology to serve business results. With Sentia as your strategic cloud partner, digital transformation and optimal user experiences are within your reach.

Achieve your digital transformation
Data for intelligence
Putting technology in the hands of the workforce, and integrating it into transportation vehicles paves the way for performance monitoring and management. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence allow you to take advantage of the newest technology and is the toolbox for future business intelligence, better forecasting, and greater agility.

Rethinking customer experiences
Real-time data insights keep you on top of changing customer behavior and capable of rethinking user experiences. With digital experience monitoring you can secure a transparent, predictable and simple customer experience. Our cloud experts help you build the machine, your business strategy requires where security, performance and reliability are the KPI's for your succes.
Optimizing supply chains
Downtime is equal to lost revenue and threatened supply chains require digital transformation and innovation. Sentia will monitor your application life cycles and guarantee a resilient setup to achieve an optimized foundation of your supply chain. Leverage a robust cloud foundation across infrastructure and vehicles to simplify and streamline each step of the supply chain.

Do more with less and lead the way in your industry
New customer demands for one-stop shops call for modern warehouse management disciplines and digital transformation of the entire supply chain along with entrants turning into serious competitors in mere moments. In short, choosing a robust, scalable and cost-effective cloud foundation and 100% application control is today more than ever critical for the transportation and logistics industry and securing business continuity is the key to staying a step ahead of the competition. Sentia provides you with a cloud infrastructure where security, performance, reliability, and optimized costs are the key performance indicators to achieve your digital transformation.